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Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day Back

Today was the first day of Fall Semester at Utah State University.  After taking off the last two semesters, it was wonderful to be back in class today.  I have enrolled in some interesting classes:  19th Century British Literature, Literary Analysis, and Poetry Writing are the three I'm registered for.  I sat through three hours of 19th Century Brit Lit this evening with a sense of thrill at being back.  I also felt a touch of nerves worrying if I really have what it takes to do all that is required.  I started on the reading immediately because there is a paper due on Labor Day (what? isn't that a holiday??)

I expect to learn A LOT, work HARD, and read a BUNCH this semester.  I was hoping to get back to blogging, but I think I may be too busy studying, reading, and writing papers (and poems---yikes!).  Happy new semester and back-to-school, everyone!


wendy said...

those sound like some HARD classes to me, even though I love to read, I'd probably have a hard time with the Brit. Lit.
Sneak in little blogging tidbits for us of what you are reading, and maybe throw in a poem or two.

Poetry baffles me for the most part.

Dani said...

I'm so glad you're back at school! I'd say good luck, but you are going to be the curve breaker again, of course. Love you!